Registration of a Business Name/ Limited Liability Partnership
Distinction among different types of business structures↓
Sole Proprietorship
- A business owned by 1 person
- No distinction between the owner and business
- Proprietor personally liable for all the debts and losses of business
- Firm cannot sue or be sued in its name
- Firm cannot own property in its name
- Owner must be individual
- Exists as long as the proprietor is alive and desires to carry on the business
- By proprietor, termination or cessation of business
- By Registrar, remove from register if the licence expired and has not been renewed
- A business owned by at least 2 persons but not more than 20
- No distinction between the owner and business
- Partners personally liable for all the debts and losses of the partnership
- Partnership cannot sue or be sued in its name
- Partnership cannot own property in its name
- Partners must be individual
- Exists as long as all the partners remain in the partnership. Usually if a partner dies or leaves the partnership, the partnership is dissolved and assets sold and distributed, but the partnership agreement may provide otherwise
- By partners, termination or cessation of business
- By Registrar, remove from register if the licence expired and has not been renewed
Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
- A business owned by at least 2 persons. There is no cap on number of partners
- A legal entity distinct from the partners
- -Partners not personally liable for the debts and losses of LLP beyond the agreed amount of contribution to LLP and/or debts and losses incurred by other partners -Partners personally liable for debts and losses incurred by LLP resulting from his/her own negligence
- LLP can sue or be sued in its name
- LLP can own property in its name
- Partners can be individual or body corporate (company or LLP)
- Perpetual existence
- By members or creditors winding up or compuslory winding up by the High Court with appointment of an Approved Liquidator
- By striking off
- A legal entity limited by shares or limited by guarantee or unlimited company and may be formed as:
- Exempt private company with not more than 20 individual shareholders
- Private company with not more than 50 individual or corporate shareholders
- Public company with no cap on number of individual or corporate shareholders
- A legal entity distinct from the shareholders and directors
- Shareholders’ liability limited up to the agreed amount of contribution to Company.
- Company can sue or be sued in its name
- Company can own property in its name
- Shareholders can be indiviudal or body corporate
- Perpetual existence
- By members or creditors winding up or compuslory winding up by the High Court with appointment of an Approved Liquidator
- By striking off